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useSelectorCreator is a Reflex Hook that lets you memoize and subscribe to a selector factory's state from your component.

const state = useSelectorCreator(factory, ...args);


useSelectorCreator(factory, ...args)

useSelectorCreator creates a selector with the given selector factory and args, and uses the result to subscribe to the state. It returns the selected state.

import { useSelectorCreator } from "@rbxts/roact-reflex";
import { selectTodo } from "./selectors";

function Todo({ id }: Props) {
const todo = useSelectorCreator(selectTodo, id);
// ...

The selector returned by the factory will be memoized in useMemo with the given args to preserve the cache. If the args change, the selector will be re-created.

See more examples below.


  • factory - A function that returns a selector for the given arguments.
  • ...args - Arguments to pass to the selector factory and memoize with.


useSelectorCreator returns the selected value from the root producer's state. If the value changes, the component will re-render.

  • Avoid creating new objects and passing them to ...args, as this will cause useSelectorCreator to re-create the selector every re-render. If you need to pass an object, memoize it with useMemo.


Subscribing to state with selector factories

Selector factories are useful for creating selectors that depend on external arguments. For example, a selector that selects a todo by its ID might look like this:

const selectTodo = (id: number) => {
return createSelector(selectTodos, (todos) => {
return todos.find((todo) => === id);

Roact Reflex provides useSelector to connect a function component to selectors, but it's not safe to create a selector inside of a component without memoizing it. This is because the selector will be re-created on every render, which will create a new cache, causing further re-renders.

To solve this, you might try to memoize the selector with the useMemo hook:

import { selectTodo } from "./selectors";

function Todo({ id }: Props) {
const selector = useMemo(() => {
return selectTodo(id);
}, [id]);

const todo = useSelector(selector);

// ...

This works, and it's essentially what useSelectorCreator does. It creates a selector with the given arguments, memoizes it with the arguments you passed, and subscribes to the selector's state.

import { useSelectorCreator } from "@rbxts/roact-reflex";
import { selectTodo } from "./selectors";

function Todo({ id }: Props) {
const todo = useSelectorCreator(selectTodo, id);
// ...


useSelectorCreator is creating a new selector every render

If your selector factory is being called on every render, make sure you're not creating new arrays or objects and passing them to ...args. This will cause useSelectorCreator to re-create the selector every render.

Here's an example of what not to do:

import { selectTodos } from "./selectors";

function Todo() {
// 🔴 This array is not memoized
const todos = useSelectorCreator(selectTodos, [1, 2, 3]);
// ...

Instead, you should memoize the array with useMemo:

import { selectTodos } from "./selectors";

function Todo() {
// ✅ This array is memoized
const ids = useMemo(() => [1, 2, 3], []);
const todos = useSelectorCreator(selectTodos, ids);
// ...